Mandy Hart has developed her own positive, progressive approach for 'picky eaters' which focuses on oral-motor, motor planning and sensory issues.
Common Oral-Motor Issues which Include
myofunctional therapy
saliva management
tongue thrust
motor planning
Debra Beckman's Oral Motor Protocol
S-R-J Horn and Straw Program
Appropriate pronunciation of sounds. ie "R", "L", "S", "K"
PROMPT Trained
Receptive Language
We focus on auditory processing and auditory attention skills,
increasing your childs understanding of words.
ABLC ( Affect Based Language Curriculum)
Expressive language
Vocabulary word retrieval
syntax (grammar)
ABLC ( Affect Based Language Curriculum)
Lindamood-Bell Visualizing/Verbalizing
Social Pragmatic Language
Conversational skills and functional use of language.
Developing language skills for the purpose of successful, interactive play.
Play Skills
Play is utilized in therapy to facilitate transition to more abstract language
and increase engagement, communication and problem solving skills.
Floortime Approach